
Photography by Mark Mutch O’Hare

Hello and Welcome

Hello, I’m excited to welcome you to my website. My plan is to keep it simple, interesting and entertaining. While the site’s main purpose should be promotion of my own work that won’t keep it fully occupied so I’ll be featuring a variety of topics.

These may be pretty random and irregular, sometimes about me and my musings on mainly artistic issues, mostly literary but touching other arts and subjects which arise. 

It will be a place for occasional reviews. From time to time I’ll review work of others I want you to know about. I may copy reviews that others produce of my work, if that happens.

I’ll also write about anything which promotes the work of the various writing communities with whom I’m fortunate to be acquainted, and alert you to their upcoming work and events.

You may subscribe or dip in and out as you wish, if that’s your preference. I’ll try to be attentive but am not committing to a certain rate of posting on site.

If you see something you like (or don’t like) feel free to let me know through comments or the Contact page. As the website is a new creature for me, I don’t guarantee that everything will work as it should from the start, so if you encounter glitches, or any problem at all, just let me know.

Finally, I’d love it if you decide to sign up to follow my Blog posts. If you do, you’ll be informed automatically every time a new blog is posted.

Keep safe out there


P.S. Latest news: publication of Art of Insomnia (May 2021) please click for the page Art of Insomnia

Art of Insomnia – Pre-order Now